OPINION: A lot can go in a lot

Image of Nick Seebruch
By Nick Seebruch
OPINION: A lot can go in a lot

Around this time last year, Cornwall was rated as one of the top communities for seniors in the country. This is great, and something we can help use to grow Cornwall for residents of all ages, but there are still areas of improvement.

One important step forward for Cornwall will be the day that the lot on the corner of Pitt and Second streets is developed.

Over the past several years, a few ideas have been thrown around for that spot, including condos, store front, office rental space and more. What I think will make the biggest difference for Cornwall’s downtown would be an all-purpose apartment building specifically geared towards seniors.

Overall, I feel like having a space for seniors downtown will helped to grow the businesses at the heart of our city and even attract new ones. If a residential space is built in that part of the city it would be perfect for residents who do not tend to drive places and would walk to nearby amenities, namely seniors.

Businesses that might be enticed to move into that part of town, I would think, would be some type of grocer. It is the one thing that I feel our downtown is really missing and having more residents in the downtown area and walking around I think will create even more demand for such a store. It could even be in the same building, on the ground floor of the apartment building.

Not only grocery and drug stores, but other establishments as well could benefit from having a senior population in our downtown core. Just down the street from Pitt and Second is the new art centre, for which the Art Centre Committee is currently raising funds to renovate. I think that a senior population could create a solid client base for this new establishment.

Ultimately, what I believe this lot represents is limitless potential. This should be the hottest and most in demand property in the City of Cornwall. Developers should be tripping over each other for a shot to develop this lot and the City should be taking an interest too.

If Cornwall’s downtown is to truly grow, and develop and if those empty storefronts are to be filled, then a client base needs to be established. Building a senior friendly housing complex in that spot will create that client base. Seniors need services, many don’t drive so they need those amenities and services to be within walking distance.

What do you think readers? What do you think should go on the corner of Pitt and Second? Email your Letter to the Editor to nicholas.seebruch@tc.tc

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