YourTV Youth Achievement Awards accepting nominations

Image of Nick Seebruch
By Nick Seebruch
YourTV Youth Achievement Awards accepting nominations
Serenah Villeneuve took first place in the At my Best category at the YourTV Youth Achievement Awards on Monday, June 3 2019 (Nick Seebruch/ Seaway News).

CORNWALL, Ontario – The annual YourTV Youth Achievement Awards, supported by the Cornwall Optimist Club, is now accepting nominations.

The Youth Achievement Awards aim to recognize young champions who positively contribute to the life of their school, community, or neighbourhood.

There are three categories under which students can be nominated: Caring is Cool, At My Best, and Difference Maker.

The following is a brief description of each category as seen on the Cornwall Optimist Club website:

Caring Is Cool – Nominees will have performed a service or act of kindness, acts of heroism, support or encouragement of a friend, family, neighbour, or stranger with no personal gain for themselves. This could be ongoing or a onetime service to an individual, group or community.

At My Best – Nominees will have achieved a level of performance beyond what might have been expected. Achieving a top performance overall or performance to the best of their ability. This can be in any area including school, athletics, music, art, writing,  and drama.

Difference Maker – Nominees will have  demonstrated leadership in making a difference in their school, community and/or world community. They have demonstrated good ambassadorship in a l leadership position OR or as a team member within a peer group with goals to improve the community and society at large. Recommendations can include a leadership role and awareness in the following areas:

  • ENVIRONMENTAL (addressing environmental issues, pollution, carbon footprint awareness)
  • INCLUSIVITY (supporting disabilities of all kinds, creating inclusive environments – ex: mental and physical health, LGBQT, Reconciliation, Black Lives Matter, all other races and religions etc.)
  • SUPPORTING A CAUSE (Bullying, Racism, Homelessness)

Winners will be selected by a committee of community leaders.

The deadline for submission is May 9 at 5 p.m.

Winners will be notified in writing and will be invited to the Bandshell in Lamoureux Park for an awards ceremony on Saturday, May 29, with a rain date of Saturday, June 5.

Find the nomination form on the Cornwall Optimist Club website:

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