ACCFutures Holds AGM and Celebrates Igniting Opportunity

Provided by ACCFutures
ACCFutures Holds AGM and Celebrates Igniting Opportunity

ACCFutures (ACC) hosted its Annual General Meeting this morning at Lost Villages Brewery.

ACC Executive Director Greg Pietersma proudly spoke about how the organization leaned into funding the dreamers and doers of Akwesasne, Cornwall, and SDG Counties this year.

“With the support of our board, and with the energy and enthusiasm of our new staff, we increased our capacity to help more entrepreneurs do big things,” he said. “You can expect us to push the envelope even further in the coming year.”

Board Chair and MC of the event, Shannon Lebrun, also thanked outgoing members of the Board of Directors. She presented Sean Helmkay with a framed print of “Ignite”, a painting created by Laura Stevens of Victoria Street Studios. The original work was commissioned to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit of the region and now hangs in ACC downtown office.

Lebrun also named and welcomed new board members Garrett VanderBurg, Vice-Chair; Kerry Gibson, Secretary-Treasurer; Jason Lazore, Wade Dorland, Lyle Warden, Nanda Wubs Huizenga, Jason Riley, and Marc Lafleur.

“Without our directors, ACCFutures would not be able to identify and ignite opportunities,” said Lebrun. “We are appreciative of their time and expertise in continuing to shape the future of our organization.”

Attendees—which included local dignitaries, economic development officers, and members of the public—listened intently to keynote speaker Mike Amos, Managing Director of the

Southeastern Ontario Angel Network (SOAN) and former founder, chairman, and CEO of an exited, venture-backed B2B software company with 180 employees.

Amos spoke about the opportunity of having local access to angel investment.

“The alliance between ACCFutures and KNDL is not just a strategic move; it’s a game-changer for local entrepreneurship. We’re uniting our resources and expertise to kindle and invest in promising business ventures actively. By doing so, we’re laying the foundation for a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem that will drive economic prosperity across Akwesasne, Cornwall, and the SDG Counties.”

Chair, Shannon Lebrun, wrapped up the event by presenting plaques to John Wright of Lost Village Brewery in Long Sault and Elise Francis of Village Green Flower Shop in Ingleside. These entrepreneurs were highlighted in the 2022/23 annual report.

A digital copy of the annual report is available on the website at

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