COLD-BLOODED SMUGGLING: Man sentenced for bringing turtles into Canada
— 18 February 2014CORNWALL, Ontario - A Cornwall man has been found guilty of illegally importing reptiles. Stephen…

CORNWALL POLICE: The masked avenger…not
— 18 February 2014CORNWALL, Ontario - A woman has been charged by police for trying to rob a Cornwall store -…

New ‘Creation Workshop’ opens in Cornwall
— 17 February 2014CORNWALL, Ontario - There's a new paint-your-own pottery workshop in Cornwall. Ginny Poirier‘s…
Community rallies around local mom fighting rare form of cancer
— 15 February 2014CORNWALL, Ontario - Stephanie Grady is in the fight of her life – but if the early returns…

Cyclists have high expectations for new low-level bridge
— 14 February 2014By Adam Brazeau CORNWALL, Ontario – The snow hasn’t even melted off the new low-level North…
Cops and robbers, Feb. 13, 2014
— 13 February 2014CORNWALL, Ontario - The following is a compilation of Cornwall police briefs, where typical…

UPDATED: CAO, treasurer dismissed in South Glengarry
— 13 February 2014CORNWALL, Ontario - South Glengarry CAO Derik Brandt and its treasurer, Jeff Bush, have been…

‘Triple P’ aims to remove guesswork from parenting
— 12 February 2014By Adam Brazeau CORNWALL, Ontario – Children don't come with an instruction manual, but a…

Tobacco tax hike leaves the door open to smuggling increase
— 12 February 2014CORNWALL, Ontario – Fears are emerging that the tobacco smuggling trade in and around Cornwall…

UPDATE: Local website operator charged by Cornwall police
— 10 February 2014CORNWALL, Ontario - The operator of a website in Cornwall has been charged by police. Jamie…