I’m sure that title caught your attention. Before I deal with that quote, let me give you some personal background.I was born the same year Canada entered the Second World War. When I started taking photographs less than twenty years later, camera lenses had markings such as f 3.4, f 4, f 5.6…f 16, f 22. The lens was designated as 28 mm, 55mm, 150 mm. A dial on the camera body read 1/30, 1/60, 1/125…1/500, 1/1000. The film fed into the camera body was ASA 50, ASA 100…ASA 400.
To those of you who were born after the Viet Nam Conflict, those numbers are nothing but meaningless gobbledygook. To me, they are key terms in my trade as a photographer.
And now, to get back to this week’s title. It’s as true as the saying, “Anything that is written in a book, or found on the internet MUST be true.”
Hitler’s right hand man Goebbels, Stalin’s Shepilov, Madison Avenue’s hucksters and some lawyers have all used photographs to convince their witting or unwitting audiences that blatant lies were actually truths.
Take a look at today’s two absolutely un-doctored, un-retouched, un-Photoshopped photographs. One is absolute proof that my wife’s sunflower is far taller than any you’ll ever see at the Williamstown Fair. The second photograph shows how I was able, but my brute strength and determination, to push that huge boulder off the front lawn.
The captions provide technical data and considerations taken to create these deceptive photos.