Did you know that the BIG NEWS of the week is the completion of the installation of new public washroom fixtures here at Cornwall Square. The new fixtures are the auto-flush kind, so people no longer need to kick the toilet flush handle to make whatever go away, the new fixtures will do it all for you. Ladies will enjoy a hopefully dry floor as the new wall mount fixtures should not leak as the connector pipe to the main drain has also been replaced. The same plumbing approach was taken in the men’s washroom, and we even lowered one of the urinals for those with a shorter leg length. Both Cornwall Square and Adam Beehler Plumbing wish our customers a more pleasant washroom experience.
The management of Cornwall Square would like to thank all of our customers and in-store staff who normally use the public washrooms for your patience and understanding this past week during the 4-day washroom retrofit.
You need to know that the City of Cornwall 2023 Fall “Give a Shirt” campaign 2 pick-up bins at Cornwall Square received numerous bags full of clothing and bedding. Thanks to everyone who supported this very worthy cause.
Did you know that some super-sized spider crept into the mall on Monday morning and set up house under the skylight near the escalator and over the Wireless Wave kiosk. Thanks to Katie Hope of Balloon Babes for her creative imagination. It was nice to see the two red dragons that tagged along to keep their giant friend company.
You need to know that the Cornwall Square In-Mall Halloween Trick or Treat event will be held on Sunday October 29, 2023, from 12:30pm until supplies last. There are also family photo-ops and magic shows at 1:00pm and 3:00pm. The magic show will be in the former Children’s Place space next to centre court on the main floor.
Did you know that there is a NEW Yoga Studio here at Cornwall Square? Moonstone Yoga is a new ladies-only Yoga studio. Owner Lianne Hughes and Yoga Instructors Frannie Lariviere and Louise Blanchet welcome you to join them for various classes. Weeknight classes are on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Also offered is a lunchtime class on Thursday from 12:10 to 12:50 p.m.; weekend classes are on Saturday from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. and Sunday from 9:30 to 10:45 p.m. Reserve your spot on the mat at bookwhen.com/liannemoonstoneyoga
Did you know that Arks Harvest is scheduled to open here at Cornwall Square on Saturday mornings starting on November 18th? Stay tuned for more details.