Mitigating and Adapting

Angela Parker, Sustainability Project Coordinator, City of Cornwall
Mitigating and Adapting

We can’t prevent climate change, but we can do our best to mitigate harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to a changing climate. From Environmental Services to Municipal Works, Cornwall is taking the necessary steps to becoming a more sustainable city.

It has been a great year for corporate GHG mitigation with the completion of the City’s first net-zero ready municipal building, and the introduction of five electric vehicles in the municipal fleet, replacing four gas-powered mid-sized cars and passenger vans. The City had 1745 trees planted on boulevards and in parks and we partnered with local organizations and volunteers to establish two native plant gardens.

Next year we will see the completion of the City’s first Climate Adaptation Plan, more boulevard trees planted to cool vulnerable neighbourhoods, and public EV chargers installed on municipal property. The new organics collection will divert waste from the landfill and reduce landfill GHG emissions in the long-term. We will also continue to explore the possibility of implementing a home energy loan program for residents.

Save the date! The City’s 5th Annual Eco Day will be Saturday, April 12, 2025. Once again, we will be offering free mulch and compost and an electronic waste drop-off. The annual Spring Give-a-Shirt will run during the City’s Earth Week, April 7-11.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. I look forward to connecting with you in the new year.

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