TD Summer Reading Club is Canada’s biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages, all interests, and all abilities. This free program is co-created and delivered by more than 2,000 public libraries across Canada.
Each year, SDG Library hosts a TD Summer Reading Club, offering the free program to children ages 4-12. The Club celebrates Canadian authors, illustrators and stories. It’s designed to inspire kids to explore the fun of reading their way – the key to building a lifelong love of reading.
SDG Library’s program will run from July 2 to August 16, and feature weekly in-person activities at all SDG Library locations: Alexandria Branch, Avonmore Branch, Chesterville Branch, Crysler Branch, Finch MakerLab, Ingleside Branch, Iroquois Branch, Lancaster Branch, Long Sault Branch, Maxville Branch, Morrisburg Branch, South Mountain Branch, Williamsburg Branch, Williamstown Branch and Winchester Branch. Please go to to see the schedule.
Please note that children under the age of 5 must be accompanied by an adult at all times during the program. Guardians of children 10 or under must remain in the Library.
Registration is open until the end of the program on our website ( or available at any library branch.
Attending in-person activities is not required to participate in the club. As of July 2, participants can begin to earn ballots for books read or chapters read. Participants can earn ballots for reading any items: library materials (eBooks & physical items) and books from home. At the end of each week, children get a chance to win a prize.
To celebrate the launch of the program, a kick-off party will be held on Saturday, July 6 at the Glengarry Sports Palace Community Room in Alexandria (above the SDG Library’s Alexandria Branch). Special guest Dinosaur Expert Tim Jeffries will join us. Learn about fossil hunting in Alberta’s badlands. There will be activities, snacks and prizes. Come down for a morning of fun and discovering dinosaurs! Activities start at 10:30 AM and the presenter will begin at 11:00 AM. The event is expected to wrap up around 12:30 PM.