Did you know that the Cornwall Square passenger elevator has been up and running for over one week courtesy of the repair parts arriving on site so that Schindler Elevator’s repair team could carry out the repair and get the passenger elevator up and running again.
The Schindler Elevator repair team indicated that one of the biggest contributors to the problem faced by the elevator “slippers” wearing out is the frequent hitting of the elevator car/cabin side walls which can be people or things bumping into the walls. The passenger elevator is designed to move people or people with walkers or strollers or wheelchairs that can fit easily through the doors into the elevator cabin. Mobiity scooters apparently are a different matter depending on their size and the person driving as these scooters can inadvertently crash into the side of the elevator car when entering or leaving. Recently seen mobility scooters in the mall are way too big to ever fit inside the passenger elevator and ended up coming into and leaving from the upper-level bridge connection between the mall and the parking garage.
Another frequent request from customers using the passenger elevator is “Can you speed it up” followed closely by “Can you slow it down” also “Can you slow down the doors closing” and also “Can you make the doors close faster”. Different people have different needs; however, our passenger elevator is set to a mid-range in terms of speed and door opening/closing time.
Our passenger elevator is a mobility device, moving people up and down from floor to floor and like all mechanical devices, it needs to be treated with some TLC to ensure that it keeps on running and providing a very much needed and appreciated service for many of our customers.
Did you know that the mall has seen a dramatic drop in the unauthorized use of the FOOD HALL seating area in the past couple of weeks, making those restaurant customers happy that they can find seating to enjoy their meal. To those customers who come on a daily basis and enjoy a full meal or a snack either alone or with a group, we are pleased to be able to provide you with adequate seating for you to enjoy your visit to Cornwall Square. Vigilance is key.
Did you know that it is apparently really easy to lose or forget one’s debit card at the ATM machine as one takes the cash and goes. We have recently seen an increase in lost/found Debit Cards being brought to the mall administration office by an honest and caring individual who found the Debit Card and shortly thereafter a person with a panicked look on their face bursts into the office asking if their Debit Card was turned in. It is so rewarding to see relief on their face at being reunited with their lost card.
You need to remember the Corus Radiothon here at Cornwall Square August 22, 2024.
“Shop Cornwall, shop indoors, shop The Square”