Some days it seems like everything has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
In fairness, so much is different: City facilities are closed to the public – from the Benson Centre to play structures to City Hall. Streets are quiet and so many businesses are shut. Recreation programs are suspended and events are postponed.
One thing has stayed the same: my colleagues are delivering the essential services you rely on.
Even before the City of Cornwall declared a state of emergency, senior managers were mobilized, communicating daily by teleconference. The workday starts with an update from each department, with the senior team reporting successes, challenges, and plans.
Some departments are on the front lines: paramedics and Glen Stor Dun Lodge staff are delivering health services in challenging conditions. By-law officers are supporting the Cornwall Police Service as they educate residents around emergency orders. Transit operators are on the road six days a week with extra precautions for operator and rider safety.
Other groups are working quietly in the background: in Finance, staff are responding to requests for property tax deferral, purchasing much-needed protective equipment, and ensuring suppliers and contractors are paid on time.
Social and Housing Services staff have stepped up to answer our very busy helpline (613-933-6282 ext. 3129). The Economic Development team is relaying information to local businesses. Water purification and wastewater treatment teams have adapted to new shifts.
I can’t recognize every department here, but I hope that Cornwall residents know their municipality is adapting to this challenging situation. We update every time a service or program is impacted.
City staff, like other essential workers, are relying on you to do your part by staying home, keeping your distance, and washing your hands.
We are in this together. We – Canadians, Cornwallites, City staff – are in this together.