What snow? More exotic cars, Si Salon

Leo Doucet—News from The Square
What snow? More exotic cars, Si Salon

Did you know that even though we are having a lesser amount of snow this year, that we at Cornwall Square had to have 13 truckloads of snow removed from the mall’s receiving courtyard as the size of the pile that accumulated was chocking the movement of delivery trucks ?

Did you know that the Ferrari that was in our center court display has hit the road and is being replaced by yet another exotic set of wheels? The identity of that vehicle is not known at the time of writing this article. The group displaying those exotic cars are looking at holding a high end car show on the weekend of February 8 and 9. More news to come next week.

Did you know that CLEO Fashions Inc. has filed for bankruptcy protection better known as CCAA? It is the company that owns CLEO, Comark Inc. that filed for creditor protection January 7, as a means of trying to restructure the company in order to keep it going. Comark also owns the RICKY’S and BOOTLEGGER stores. These are iconic brands in ladieswear and unisex clothing serving Canadians for many decades.

Did you know that CLEO started out as IRENE HILL stores under previous ownership and when Comark acquired the company, it changed the store name?

Did you know that Cornwall Square will soon welcome a new Hair Salon? “Si Salon” will be moving into space between Peoples and Laura Secord. This salon is the reimagined and downsized version of the current Academy of Beauty and Aesthetics which will be closing its doors on the day the new salon opens. Construction on “Si Salon” will start February 1 and should be completed by mid-March if all goes well. The former home of Magicuts will once again be occupied by a hair slon. Keep an eye out for the new hair salon.

Did you know that Cornwall Square is looking to introduce some non-retail uses into the mall as well as to create a retail presence along the north facade of the building facing onto the Fire Lane across from the parking garage?

Did you know that the 2025 Cornwall Heritage Fair will be held here at Cornwall Square February 22, in the former Labels/Calendar Club space on the upper level between Majestik Communications and Bell World? The Heritage Fair is always interesting as one looks at Cornwall’s past that reveals a wealth of little-known facts and trivia.

Did you know that the Focus Art Association will be returning to Cornwall Square in the former Stokes store space for their 2025 Spring Art Exhibition at the beginning of April?

“Shop Cornwall, shop indoors, shop The Square.”

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