As of today, we have collected $1,073,592.70 in donations and at this point, follow-up is being done on previous requests for donations as well as completed applications to foundations.
On the construction news side, the Arts Centre tender package was published on Friday, Jan. 28th. This means that contractors interested in submitting a bid to complete the project can obtain a copy of the drawings and specs and submit a bid price to complete the construction. The tender is scheduled to close on Feb. 24th, i.e. all bids must be submitted by this date; however, due to the size of the project there may be requests for an extension to the tender period and the city is prepared to extend the closing date an additional week, closing the first week of March. Therefore, by the first week of March, the city should have a price to complete the work and this will be brought to the March 28th City Council meeting for approval. This price will include the technical (lighting and sound) requirements.
City Council also approved funding for the hiring of an Arts Coordinator whose responsibilities will start several months before the official opening; this will guarantee that there will be a clear program of events and activities from the day of the Official Opening onwards.
And last but not least, we have word that Cline House will re-open as a visual arts venue!
This is all great news and bodes very well for the Arts in Cornwall!