To submit your event email:
50+ COMMUNITY CLUB is Hosting a Fundraiser Euchre Tournament on Sat. Nov. 26th from 10-4pm at St. Matthews Presbyterian Church 15 Memorial Square, Ingleside to support the Boots For Kids organized by the Long Sault Fire Fighters Association. Admission $20. Partner needed!! Pre- registration required one week prior. Early Bird Prize. Meal Included, Door Prize,50/50, Silent Auction. Call Jack 613-537-2295 or Betty 613-984-1431. For E-Transfer contact
ST. LAWRENCE SENIORS AT ANAF – Bingo on Mondays & Thursday at 12 Noon. Doors open at 10am. Upcoming Euchre on Wednesday December 7, call 613-936-6060 on December 3 to reserve.
WILLIAMSTOWN GREEN THUMBS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY is having their AGM with Wine & Cheese, Monday, Nov 28, at 7:00 p.m. at the Char-Lan Arena upstairs. Guest speaker from the Raisin River Conservation Authority will be discussing the waters of South Glengarry. Everyone welcome. For further info call Lia Lindeman 613 347 3533.
CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB welcomes women who have moved in the last 4 years to Cornwall and the SD&G Counties. Info: Louise 613-932-7557.
IS SOMEONE’S DRINKING BOTHERING YOU? You are not alone. There is help and hope. Call 613-937-4880 or visit
CORNWALL COMFORT QUILTS are handmade for and given to Cancer patients. Info: Nicole 613 935-5593, Janice 613 936-1951. Email:
SPAGHETTI FUNDRAISER: will be held on the last Friday of the month November 25 at Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) from 11:30am-1 pm and 4-6:30 pm.
CORNWALL NEW HORIZONS BAND meets on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 3:30 pm at St. Felix de Valois Church Hall. Info: Pat 613-931-1580 or email: or visit us on facebook.
IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BOOKS AND ITEMS of a religious nature, visit “Catholic Information Centre” Mon.- Fri.10am-4pm at 146B, Chevrier Ave, room 124 (former Nativity School). 613-933-5099
MULTIPLE MYELOMA SUPPORT: If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Myeloma and would like to connect with others, join us on Facebook, and email at
WEDNESDAY LUNCHES: by the members of the Knights of Columbus “Seniors & Friends”, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) Wednesdays from 11:30am-1pm.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs). Wings & Things every Thursday from 4:30 – 8 pm. Take-out available.
SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB, 506 Pitt St open for all activities. Full vaccination required. Info: (613) 932-4969.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Fish and Chips. Every Friday from 4:30-6:30. Take out or eat in. Order: 613-933-2362.
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Bonville. Breakfast every Sunday 8-noon. Info: Roly 613-932-9396.
SEAWAY WINDS CONCERT BAND invites musicians to join us. Rehearsals every Wednesday, 6:45pm to 8:45pm at The Salvation Army Community Church, 500 York Street. Info: Ralph Bough at 613-362-4881.
BINGO AT THE CCÉC! Come play every Monday at 6:00pm. Doors open at 4:00pm. NO RESERVATION. Meet us at CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, Cornwall.
BEREAVED FAMILIES of ONTARIO – SOUTH EASTERN REGION. Open Support and Share Adult group sessions held monthly every 3rd Thursday at the Starbrite center located at 343 Pitt St. Info: 613-936-7470.
SQUARE DANCE LESSONS. Every Friday nights (except holidays) from 7-9 pm at Knox-St. Paul’s United Church, 800 12th St. East. Teens 12-18 accompanied by an adult dance fore free. Info: Linda 613-360-5216 or 613-936-2563.
SEAWAY STRINGS is a group of fiddlers who meet every Wednesday afternoon from 1 – 3 pm at the Seaway Senior Citizens Club at 506 Pitt St. Info: Rick 613 932 2872.
THE ALZHEIMER SOCIETY Help for Hope Lottery gives you a chance to win $5,000! Draw date is Nov.19! Call (613) 932-4914 to buy your tickets today!
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY Executive next meeting is Jan.4, 2023 at the Legion on Second St. Executive at 6:30 pm and General at 7 pm.
THE MOCCASIN RAILROAD CLUB meets at 7 pm the first Wednesday of each month at the Centre Charles Emile Claude, 146B Chevrier Avenue. Modellers and rail enthusiasts. Info: John Kelly, 613 930-5646.
CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 SENIORS OVER 60 CLUB Bid Euchre will be held on Thurs. November 17th and 24th in the main hall at 1 pm.
A FESTIVE CEILIDH… on Sun., Nov. 20 from 2-4 pm at the Celtic Music Hall of Fame in Williamstown.Proceeds will go to Hospice Cornwall!
SEAWAY TOASTMASTERS CLUB. Join us every second and fourth Tuesday, at the Cornwall Public Library, at 6:15pm. Meeting starts at 6:30 sharp. Info: Laura, 613 551 3252
ANNUAL SUNRISE ROTARY TRIVIA CHALLENGE Fri., Nov. 18 at 6:00pm at Best Western Parkway Inn. Fantastic Silent Auction. Info: 613-931-2939 or
SISTERS FOR LIFE CHRISTMAS GALA at the Finch Community Hall on Fri., Nov 18. Info: Maureen 613-662-2935 or
THE CENTENNIAL CHOIR OF CORNWALL Christmas concert on Fri., Dec. 9 at 7:30 pm at Aultsville Theatre. Tickets: choir member, Home Hardware, , Melody Music, 104 Pitt Street or at the door.
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Let’s Play Euchre. Nov. 30th at 7 pm. Info: Roly 613-932-9396 or Helen 613-931-3076.
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Country Music Night on Dec. 10th at the Lion’s Club in Bonville. Supper served at 6 pm. Info: Marland 613-936-3625
SEAWAY FIBROMYALGIA GROUP. Aqua Fitness Group, Cornwall Aquatic Center every Tues. & Fri. from 12-1pm. Info: Judy 613-330-0588 or Leona 613-931-2874.
CHRISTMAS TEA: A BRITISH COMEDY on Dec. 16th at 7.30pm at Aultsville Theatre, 2 St. Lawrence Dr. Tickets:
MATTHEW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH at 1509 2nd St. West is holding St. Nicolas Tea on Sat., Dec 3. Bake & craft sale.
VIOLIN WORKSHOP FOR FIDDLERS on Sat., Nov. 26 from 9:30-noon at the Glengarry Celtic Music Hall of Fame in Williamstown. Info: Rick 613 932 2872
CORNWALL QUILTERS GUILD will hold the next monthly meeting on Mon. Nov. 21 at 7:00 p.m. in St. Matthews Lutheran Church Hall, 1509 2nd St. W. Info: Barb 613-360-8079.
CORNWALL LIONS CLUB DART TOURNAMENT Sat. Nov. 26, at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Info: Kyle or Steve at 613-936-2864.
NEW YEAR’S EVE BALL on Sat., Dec. 31 from 8pm-1am at Knights of Columbus Hall. Info: 613-932-7600.
CRAFT AND ART WINTER WONDERLAND at Knox-St. Paul’s United Church on Sat. Nov. 19 from 9am-2pm. Two full floors of Vendors as well as a bake and deli table.
BINGO – Ste-Thérèse-de-Lisieux Church Hall on Thurs. Nov. 17. Early bird starts at 6:30 pm, regular game at 7 pm.
TOOLS IN THE TRADES BOOT CAMP to help grow the skilled trades industry at Walker ClimateCare, 1714 Vincent Massey Dr. on Nov. 22. Info: or 613-932-7978.
FREE TURKEY LUNCH on Christmas Day 11:30am-2pm at Agora Hall (Nativity Hall), 301 McConnell Ave. Info to RSVP: 613-662-4719
LA LOTERIE HELP FOR HOPE DE THE ALZHEIMER SOCIETY vous donne une chance de gagner 5 000$! Le tirage a lieu le 19 novembre ! Appelez le (613) 932-4914 pour acheter vos billets dès aujourd’hui !
CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 SENIORS OVER 60 CLUB Bid Euchre aura lieu les jeudis. 17 et 24 novembre dans la salle principale à 13 heures.
UN CEILIDH FESTIF… le dimanche 20 novembre de 14h à 16h au Celtic Music Hall of Fame à Williamstown, au profit du Hospice Cornwall !
LE 50+ COMMUNITY CLUB organise un tournoi d’euchre de collecte de fonds le samedi 26 novembre de 10 à 16 heures à l’église presbytérienne St. Matthews, 15 Memorial Square, Ingleside, pour soutenir le programme Boots for Kids organisé par l’association des pompiers de Long Sault. Entrée : 20 $. Besoin d’un partenaire ! Pré-inscription requise une semaine avant. Prix pour les lève-tôt. Repas inclus, prix de présence, 50/50, vente aux enchères silencieuse. Appelez Jack au 613-537-2295 ou Betty au 613-984-1431. Pour le transfert électronique, contactez
ST. LAWRENCE SENIORS AT ANAF – Bingo les lundis et jeudis à 12h00. Ouverture des portes à 10 h. Prochain Euchre le mercredi 7 décembre, appelez le 613-936-6060 le 3 décembre pour réserver.
LA WILLIAMSTOWN GREEN THUMBS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY tiendra son AGA avec vin et fromage, le lundi 28 novembre, à 19 h, à l’étage de l’aréna Char-Lan. Un conférencier invité de l’Office de protection de la nature de la rivière Raisin parlera des eaux de Glengarry Sud. Tout le monde est le bienvenu. Pour plus d’information, appelez Lia Lindeman au 613 347 3533.
CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB accueille les femmes qui ont déménagé au cours des 4 dernières années en Cornouailles et dans les comtés de SD&G. Renseignements : Louise 613-932-7557.
L’ALCOOLISME DE QUELQU’UN VOUS DÉRANGE ? Vous n’êtes pas seul. Il existe de l’aide et de l’espoir. Appelez le 613-937-4880 ou visitez le site
LES COURTEPOINTES CORNWALL COMFORT sont faites à la main pour les patients atteints de cancer et leur sont offertes. Renseignements : Nicole 613 935-5593, Janice 613 936-1951. Courriel :
SPAGHETTI FUNDRAISER : aura lieu le dernier vendredi du mois, le 25 novembre, aux Chevaliers de Colomb, 205, rue Amelia (au rez-de-chaussée), de 11 h 30 à 13 h et de 16 h à 18 h 30.
LE CORNWALL NEW HORIZONS BAND se réunit les mardis et jeudis à 15h30 à la salle paroissiale de St Felix de Valois. Info : Pat 613-931-1580 ou courriel : ou visitez-nous sur facebook.