To submit your event email:
SEAWAY WINDS CONCERT BAND presents their annual Spring concert “Movie Magic” at St-Felix De Valois Catholic Church, 620 Glengarry Blvd (behind Eastcourt Mall), Cornwall, on Friday, May 5 at 7:30pm. Hear popular movie themes from Modern-day Blockbusters to Hollywood Classics, Barb Hunter conducting. General Admission $20, children under 10 free when accompanied by an adult. Tickets are available from Band members or at the door before the concert.
SPAGHETTI FUNDRAISER: on the last Friday of the month. The next fundraiser will be on April 21st at Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) from 11:30am-1 pm and 4-6:30 pm.
STROKE SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP monthly meeting Wednesday, May 3rd, 6:30pm at the Benson Centre (MacEwen Room). All stroke survivors and their caregivers are most welcome. Info: Deena 613-936-8784 or email:
LEGION RIDERS SUPPER FUNDRAISER to benefit Centre 105 will be held on Sun., April 30 from 4:30-6:30 pm at the Cornwall Legion, Branch 297, 415 Second St. Tickets avail at the door or in advance at the Legion Bar.
THE CORNWALL & AREA HALL OF FAME FOR THE ARTS is soliciting nominations of deserving artists, promoters and supporters to be submitted prior to July 1. The nomination form and guidelines are at Info: Elaine 613-330-3117.
THE AMALGAME THEATER TROUPE presents the comedy « La visite ou surtout, sentez-vous pas obligés de venir », A comedy by Robert Bellefeuille and Michel Marc Bouchard on May 5, 6, 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. as well a matinee on May 7 and 14 at 2 p.m. at Saint-Laurent High School at 1450 Second Street E. Tickets: or 613-362-0931.
MCGAUGHEY ORGAN CONCERT will take place on Fri., May 5 at 7 pm in the sanctuary at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 28 Second St. East. The featured organist is Mr. Samuel Lee. This concert is open to the public and admission is free.
SPRING RUMMAGE SALE @ Knox-St. Paul’s United Church, 800 -12th St. East (Off McConnell North) Main Level on Sat., April 29TH – 9-12Noon. Great Bargains – Clothes, Books, Household Articles and much more.
GLENGARRY HISTORY: “My Glengarry in Photos: by archivist Allan MacDonald. 7:30 pm Wednesday, April 26 at Alexandria’s Glengarry Sports Palace. Info: or 613 525-3806 or or 613 525-0902.
ST. LAWRENCE SENIORS BINGO at ANAF Mondays and Thursdays. Doors open at 10am. Bingo starts at 12pm. Everyone welcome. Next Euchre is Wed., May 3. Please call 613-936-6060 to reserve your spot.
CLASSIC COUNTRY MUSIC DINNER & DANCE May 13th at the Lion’s Club in Bonville at 6 pm. Baked ham, salad & dessert. Info Marland 613-936-3625.
ST. FRANCIS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 11531 Something different! – Community Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 30th in the St. Francis de Sales Parish Hall (434 Second St. W.) from 8:30 AM to Noon. Full Breakfast with juices, pancakes & sausage, homefries, beans, toast and beverage. FREE WILL OFFERING supporting St. Anne Catholic Elementary School student activities. Fully accessible hall with elevator service.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION WING 424 karaoke: April 26, Rick & Brenda.
CORNWALL WESLEYAN CHURCH invites you to it’s Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. Konnect Kids from ages 4-12 years. Nursery available. Midweek Bible Study Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in person or via Zoom. Info: 613-936-9166 or or
THE CENTENNIAL CHOIR OF CORNWALL Spring concert “IF MUSIC BE” at Cornwall’s Aultsville Theatre on Fri., May 12 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are avail. from any choir member, Fines Home Hardware, 1300 Vincent Massey Dr. or Melody Music, 104 Pitt St.
FOCUS ART ASSOCIATION SPRING ART EXHIBITION at Cornwall Square Mall April 20,21,22,23 and 27,28,29,30. Hours: Thurs/Fri 10am-6pm; Sat. 9:30am – 5h30pm; Sun 11am-3pm. Vernissage: Apr. 20th 5pm-6pm. Over 30 local Artists.
CORNWALL ROAD WARRIORS CAR CLUB first annual Father’s Day Car Show, June 18th from 9am-3pm at 1150 Montreal Road.
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Let’s Play Euchre May 3, 17 & 31 at 7 pm. Info: Roly 613-932-9396 or Gerry 613-931-3076.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BR 297 LADIES AUXILIARY exec. meeting at 6:30 pm & general meeting at 7 pm on May 3, 2023.
SOCIAL DANCING the first Friday of the month (except April which will be second Friday) from 7-10 pm at the Centre Charles-Émile-Claude 146 Chevrier Ave. Dances May 5, June 2. Info: Dennis 613-618-7684.
SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER sponsored by The Patrons of St. Columban Foundation at the Knights of Columbus Council 755, 205 Amelia St. Sun. April 23 from 4:00-6:30 p.m. Tickets available at St. Columban’s parish office during office hours, from Foundation members, by calling Brian Lynch at 613-933-8353 and at the Knight of Columbus.
STORMONT YACHT CLUB Adult Learn to Sail, weekend event for adults teaches theory and practical skills. June 16-18, Stormont Yacht Club, Long Sault. Info: ,
STORMONT YACHT CLUB Youth Learn to Sail, teaches theory and practical skills. 2 sessions: July 31-Aug 4 (5 days); Aug 5-11 (4 days), Stormont Yacht Club, Long Sault, Age: 8-15. Info:;
ROTARY CLUB OF CORNWALL PANCAKE BREAKFAST and Silent Auction, April 22 from 7am-noon at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 28 Second St. East. Donations welcome at the door.
ST. LAWRENCE INTERNATIONAL STAMP CLUB Meeting Tues. May 16 from 6:30-8:30 pm (every 3rd Tues. of month) Cornwall Public Library Board Room, 2nd floor.
SPRING MARKET – Trinity Church Hall -105 Second St., W. Sat., May 6th from 10-2, Rent table to sell or come to buy. Crafts, books, cards, plants, small furniture, household goods, etc. (no clothing). Bake table with coffee, tea and sandwiches. Info Keith 613-933-3991 ext 25
CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB welcomes women who have moved in the last 4 years to Cornwall and the SD&G Counties. Info: Henriette 613-330-9039.
IS SOMEONE’S DRINKING BOTHERING YOU? You are not alone. There is help and hope. Call 613-937-4880 or visit
CORNWALL COMFORT QUILTS are handmade for and given to Cancer patients. Info: Janice 613 936-1951.
CORNWALL NEW HORIZONS BAND Beginners class on Mondays; Intermediate class on Tuesdays; Band rehearsals on Thursdays : Classes are 3:30 -4:30 p.m.; band is 3:30 – 5 p.m.; all are at St. Felix de Valois church hall. – best to arrive 15 minutes earlier to set up. Info: or 613-362-4881 or 613-931-1580.
IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BOOKS AND ITEMS of a religious nature, visit “Catholic Information Centre” Mon.- Fri.10am-4pm at Unit 1, 812 Pitt St. 613-933-5099
THE PROBUS CLUB OF CORNWALL and area has interesting guest speakers and regular outings each month for retirees and those who are semi-retired. Info: Louise at 613 932-7557.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Fish and Chips. Every Friday from 4:30-6:30. Take out or eat in. Order: 613-933-2362. BINGO AT THE CCÉC ! Come play every Monday at 6:00pm. Doors open at 4:00pm. NO RESERVATION. Meet us at CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, Cornwall.
MULTIPLE MYELOMA SUPPORT: If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Myeloma and would like to connect with others, join us on Facebook, and email at
WEDNESDAY LUNCHES: by the members of the Knights of Columbus “Seniors & Friends”, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) Wednesdays from 11:30am-1pm.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs). Wings & Things every Thursday from 4:30 – 8 pm. Take-out available.
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Bonville. Breakfast every Sunday 8-noon. Info: Roly 613-932-9396.
SEAWAY WINDS CONCERT BAND invites musicians to join us. Rehearsals every Wednesday, 6:45pm to 8:45pm at The Salvation Army Community Church, 500 York Street. Info: Ralph Bough at 613-362-4881.
SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB, 506 Pitt St open for all activities. Info: (613) 932-4969.
Bingo au CCÉC ! Venez jouer tous les lundis à 18h00. Portes ouvertes à 16h00. PAS DE RÉSERVATION. Rendez-vous au CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall
BEREAVED FAMILIES of ONTARIO – SOUTH EASTERN REGION – Open Support and Share group sessions 6PM on the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month in the Starbrite center located at 343 Pitt St. Info: 613-936-7470.
SEAWAY STRINGS is a group of fiddlers who meet at the Seaway Senior Citizens Club at 506 Pitt St. Info: Rick 613 932 2872.
THE MOCCASIN RAILROAD CLUB meets at 7 pm the first Wednesday of each month at the Centre Charles Emile Claude, 146B Chevrier Avenue. Modellers and rail enthusiasts. Info: John Kelly, 613 930-5646.
SEAWAY TOASTMASTERS CLUB. Join us every second and fourth Tuesday, at the Cornwall Public Library, at 6:15pm. Meeting starts at 6:30 sharp. Info: Laura, 613 551 3252.
SEAWAY FIBROMYALGIA GROUP. Aqua Fitness Group @ Cornwall Aquatic Center every Tuesdays & Friday’s from 12 pm – 1Pm. Info: Judy 613-330-0588; Leona 613-931-2874; Denise 613-938-3615; Theresa 613-662-8713
LA TROUPE DE THÉÂTRE DE L’AMALGAME présente la comédie « La visite ou surtout, sentez-vous pas obligés de venir ». Une comédie de Robert Bellefeuille et Michel Marc Bouchard. Le spectacle sera présenté le 5,6, 12 et13 mai à 19 h ainsi qu’en matinée le 7, et 14 mai à 14 h à l’École secondaire Saint-Laurent (Saint Lawrence High school) au 1450 Deuxième rue Est. Les billets sont disponibles via ou en composant le 613-362-0931.
Si vous recherche de livres ou d’objets religieux, venez visiter le ”Centre d’information catholique” à sa nouvelle adresse: Unité 1, 812 rue Pitt, lundi au vendredi de 10h à 16h et le samedi de 9h à 12h. 613-933-5099
BINGO DES SENIORS DE ST. LAWRENCE SENIORS BINGO à l’ANAF les lundis et jeudis. Ouverture des portes à 10 heures. Le bingo commence à 12 heures. Tout le monde est le bienvenu. Le prochain Euchre aura lieu le mercredi 3 mai. Veuillez appeler le 613-936-6060 pour réserver votre place.
COLLECTE DE FONDS SPAGHETTI : le dernier vendredi du mois. La prochaine collecte de fonds aura lieu le 21 avril aux Chevaliers de Colomb, 205 rue Amelia (en bas) de 11 h 30 à 13 h et de 16 h à 18 h 30.
Réunion mensuelle du GROUPE DE SOUTIEN AUX SURVIVANTS D’AVC Le mercredi 3 mai, à 18 h 30, au Centre Benson (salle MacEwen). Tous les survivants d’un AVC et leurs aidants sont les bienvenus. Info : Deena 613-936-8784 ou courriel :
Le CORNWALL & AREA HALL OF FAME FOR THE ARTS sollicite des nominations d’artistes, de promoteurs et de supporters méritants à soumettre avant le 1er juillet. Le formulaire de nomination et les lignes directrices sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante : Renseignements : Elaine 613-330-3117.
VENTE DE MARCHANDISES DU PRINTEMPS à l’église unie Knox-St. Paul’s, 800, 12e rue Est (à la sortie de McConnell Nord), niveau principal, le samedi 29 avril, de 9 h à 12 h. Bonnes affaires – vêtements, livres, articles ménagers et bien plus encore.
HISTOIRE DE GLENGARRY : “My Glengarry in Photos” par l’archiviste Allan MacDonald. 19 h 30 le mercredi 26 avril au Palais des sports Glengarry d’Alexandria. Renseignements : ou 613 525-3806 ou ou 613 525-0902
FRANCIS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 11531 Quelque chose de différent ! – Déjeuner communautaire aux crêpes le dimanche 30 avril dans la salle paroissiale St. Francis de Sales (434 Second St. W.) de 8 h 30 à midi. Petit déjeuner complet avec jus, crêpes et saucisses, frites, haricots, toasts et boissons. OFFRE VOLONTAIRE GRATUITE pour soutenir les activités des élèves de l’école primaire catholique Sainte-Anne. Salle entièrement accessible avec service d’ascenseur.