

WEEK OF MAY 7 TO 13, 2023

ARIES: You’ll start planning your summer holidays. You have no intention of missing out on fun adventures with your friends and family.

TAURUS: Whether it’s about your relationship or your job, you may feel the need to run away. You feel impulsive and a little confused this week.

GEMINI: You’ll struggle to create peace between people or groups with oppo­sing interests. You’ll find the right words to work miracles and ensure everyone understands each other.

CANCER: It’s time to get rid of toxic friends who are draining your energy. Take some me-time and spoil yourself with a natural therapy like a massage or facial.

LEO: Self-esteem is essential to achieve success. You’ll be proud if you can convince yourself to accomplish a brilliant feat.

VIRGO: You’ll devote time and energy to a family member and your home. You’ll be inspired to take a new approach to life, including learning to live in the present moment.

LIBRA: You’ll be outspoken this week. Be careful not to give away any secrets. You could be dealing with someone who doesn’t speak the same language as you, and communica­ting with them could prove rather difficult.

SCORPIO: You’ll find the financial means to undertake a significant project. Whe­ther buying a property or starting a business, the stars will align. Many people will listen to what you have to say.

SAGITTARIUS: Make reservations now for summer break. You’re looking forward to an adventure that takes place far from home. Be mindful of the preparations, such as passports.

CAPRICORN: If you’re feeling more tired than usual, it’s a sign you need to slow down. Get enough sleep to recharge your batteries.

AQUARIUS: You’ll find your perfect person and fall in love at first sight. You’ll carve out more time for your social life, even if you feel exhausted and stressed.

PISCES: You’ll be given significant respon­si­bilities at work. Even if you find them difficult, they’ll provide excellent prospects, and a promotion will come soon enough.

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