CORNWALL, Ontario – Mr. Todd Lalonde, Trustee for City of Cornwall and Glengarry County, has been acclaimed to the position of Chair for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario. It will be the first term as Chair for Mr. Lalonde, who is entering his eleventh year as a Catholic School Trustee. Mr. Lalonde served the Board as Vice-Chair during the last term.
Mr. Lalonde told Trustees, “I would like to thank my fellow trustees for the confidence they’ve given me to be their Chair for the next year. Being around this table and serving Catholic education is an honour, and I am excited to embark on this journey, supported by the experience and expertise of my fellow trustees. I would also like to congratulate the CDSBEO staff and administration, for the good work they do each day. I also look forward to working with Trustee Reil, who has great experience as an educator and trustee.”
Mr. Lalonde succeeds Mr. Brent Laton, Trustee for Grenville County and Elizabethtown-Kitley Township. Mr. Laton had served five consecutive terms as Chair. Mr. Lalonde also offered thanks to Mr. Laton for his years of exceptional service as Board Chair.
The Board of Trustees also elected Robin Reil, Trustee for City of Brockville, Town of Smiths Falls, and Leeds County to the position of Vice-Chair. Mr. Reil has been serving as a Catholic School Trustee since 2003. “I do appreciate the support of my fellow Trustees, and I commend Executive Council for the great work they do. I look forward to us working as a team for the good of our students.”
Director of Education, Wm. J. Gartland, congratulated Mr. Lalonde and Mr. Reil. “The annual meeting is a wonderful celebration of our Catholic faith, and an opportunity to renew our dedication to Catholic education. I know that both Mr. Lalonde and Mr. Reil share that dedication and it will be a pleasure to work with them, and all of the Trustees as they continue to provide leadership and governance to the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario.”
The Board welcomed Archbishop Brendan O’Brien of the Kingston Archdiocese, who presided at Mass to begin the evening. His Grace offered his thanks to Trustees and Senior Administration for the work they do to preserve and protect their Catholic faith and Catholic education. The Archbishop also blessed all CDSBEO Trustees.
The 2014-2018 CDSBEO Board of Trustees are:
Mr. Ron Eamer – Trustee, City of Cornwall and Glengarry County
Mrs. Nancy Kirby – Trustee, Lanark County
Mr. Todd Lalonde – Trustee, City of Cornwall and Glengarry County
Mr. Brent Laton – Trustee, Grenville County and Elizabethtown-Kitley Township
Mr. Robin Reil, – Trustee, City of Brockville, Town of Smiths Falls, and Leeds County
Mrs. Karen McAllister – Trustee, Dundas and Stormont Counties
Mrs. Sue Wilson – Trustee, Prescott and Russell Counties
Ms. Alexa Meeson – Catholic Student Trustee, 2016-2017