WEEK OF APRIL 2 TO 8, 2023
The luckiest signs this week: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius
It’s easier to negotiate with people with whom you’re not emotionally involved. You’ll find it easy to get along with most people, but you’ll need to be persistent with your children.
You could achieve a position of power at work. You’ll move into a prominent role if you trust your instincts and organizational skills.
You’ll be congratulated for a significant accomplishment, even if you think it was trivial. Your action will be viewed as heroic, even if it’s only to lend a listening ear to someone in distress.
You’ll prioritize your family and home life. On the professional side, you may start a family business you can grow from home.
Summer is just a few weeks away, making you feel excited about the various adventures you’re planning. You deserve a little luxury. Walks and hikes will be your great pleasures.
You’ll be bold and try something new that could take you to the other side of the world. The position you’ve been coveting at work will finally open up.
You’ll achieve a greater sense of well-being by exploring your spirituality. You could also become involved in a movement that will answer your existential questions.
You’ll be overflowing with creative ideas that will prompt you to create a work of art. You’ll perform an act of generosity for a loved one.
You’ll be under a lot of pressure at work and need to take time to see your friends and escape from it all. You’ll be thrilled to oversee an event that brings together the people you like most.
You’ll find clarity that sets you on a career path that aligns with your ambitions. A form of learning will guide you in the right direction or at least help you identify your goals.
Let your dreams take you on a journey that gives you some ideas for
a holiday next summer. It’s essential to plan to enjoy an adventure in good company.
You’re particularly sensitive this week. You must take time to rest to shake things off. You might consider taking a holiday to recuperate and sort out your overwhelming emotions.