WEEK OF MARCH 12 TO 18, 2023


The luckiest signs this week: Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

ARIES: You’ll undertake a new spiritual prac­tice that allows you to deve­lop a more active social life and meet interes­ting people. You’ll form new friend­ships and improve your well-being.

TAURUS: You’ll finally get your priorities in or­der. You’ll make the changes you’ve wanted to make for a long time. Some of your friends may be very supportive.

GEMINI: The topic of holidays will come up when you’re talking with your partner, friends or family. You’ll learn more about specific destinations you’ve been eager to explore for a long time.

CANCER: If you have concerns about your health, take some time to see your doctor and get tested. Either every­thing will be fine, or you’ll receive the appropriate care so you can heal quickly.

LEO: Your leadership will help you reach a long-term agreement at work. Your sense of initiative will help you resolve a conflict.

VIRGO: You’ll have to make many compromises at work and home to regain harmony. You’ll have to mus­ter all your patience to address a confu­sing situation.

LIBRA: You may feel stressed about your financial situation. Consult a professional to gain sufficient clarity. If you don’t, you may become more anxious.

SCORPIO: You feel dynamic and enthusiastic this week, which will help you increase your income and find joy. You’ll have the means to spoil your­self and be pampered. A week-long holiday will be memorable.

SAGITTARIUS: Carefully review all your bills to avoid unpleasant surprises regar­ding your finances. A mistake could cost you a large amount of money.

CAPRICORN: It’s always wise to take a moment to ponder your decision before embar­king on a new adventure that could change your life. You’ll be presen­ted with new possibilities over the next few days.

AQUARIUS: This week, you’ll find yourself in a frenzy of social engagements or work meetings. Don’t forget to take some time for yourself, if only to relax.

PISCES: At work or home, you’ll be designa­ted to organize an event that brings many people together. Your community requires your involvement, and you can’t refuse.

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