ONTARIO – On Tuesday, Sept. 14 the Ontario government revealed further information on their proposed proof of vaccination system.
As of Sept. 22, 2021, certain businesses will now require patrons to show proof of full vaccination (two doses and a waiting period of 14 days) before they can access the business.
The proof of vaccination policy has been implemented as a final push to get all eligible persons across Ontario vaccinated. Exemptions to this policy only applies to those unable to get vaccinated due to medical exemptions and children under the age of 11.
Since the initial proposal of their proof of vaccination system, the seven-day average of first doses has increased by 29 percent, from over 11,400 doses to over 14,700 doses.
Restrictions to businesses include indoor and outdoor seating establishments such as bars, restaurants, casinos, sporting facilities, and nightclubs. As well as open spaced gatherings like sporting events, open spaced conventions, funerals and weddings.
“We are already seeing a rise in the number of cases of COVID-19 as we head into the fall,” said Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health. “As we enter the last mile push to increase vaccination rates, the introduction of a vaccine certificate is an important step to give people the tools to limit further spread of the virus so that we can ensure the safety of all Ontarians while keeping the province open and operational.”
The government of Canada has established multiple helplines to allow all to receive their proof of vaccination. Vaccination receipts are accessible by all persons through a PDF, that shows all information regarding proof of vaccination. As a part of the last mile strategy implemented by the government, for those unable to print a vaccination receipt, they are advised to call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900.
To create more ease of access for businesses, the government is working on a virtual QR code that will show proof of vaccination, as well as an enhanced vaccine certificate. It can be carried on a mobile device, allowing a safer more secure way to show proof of vaccination while protecting your privacy. The QR code verification app and enhanced vaccine certificate is planned to be released to the public on Oct. 22, 2021.
“Combining the use of a QR code with a trusted, made in Ontario verifier app will help support the province’s health measures,” said Kaleed Rasheed, Associate Minister of Digital Government. “These tools will provide a simpler, faster, and better way to prove vaccination status that is both convenient and secure – while also supporting businesses with an easy validation process.”