EASTERN ONTARIO – The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) has chosen to cancel exams for all Grade 9-to-12 students due to the unusual circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Ministry of Education has recently given school districts the ability to adjust secondary evaluation processes to reflect the realities that come with learning and attending school during the uncertainties of a pandemic,” reads a statement from the UCDSB. “So, for the 2020-2021 school year, there will be no final exams for secondary students (Grades 9-12) at the end of any quadmester. Instead, student grades will be solely based on the specific learning activities and assignments completed by students that serves as term work for each course.”
Instead of mid-term reports, each students will receive a mark-to-date at the midpoint of each quadmester.
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) tests for Grade 3 and 6 students are cancelled. Grade 10 Literacy Tests will be administered in the spring. Any student who wishes to graduate at the end of the Fall term, but needs to complete their Literacy Test should contact their school administrative office.
For Grade 1-to-8 students, end of term report cards will be sent out on Nov. 11, and Kindergarten report cards will be sent out Nov. 20. Report cards for remote learners will be mailed out at around these times as well.
For graduation, the requirement for high school students to complete 40 hours of community service prior to graduation has been reduced down to 20.