The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) is excited to announce the launch of a new sports initiative that will be piloted in 2025 called All-In Sports. If the pilot is successful, this initiative will expand sport opportunities for Kindergarten to Grade 8 students across the district.
As presented to and approved by the Board of Trustees in December, the All-In Sports league will provide all young interested athletes the opportunity to learn and play sports in a structured environment. There will be a focus on games and tournaments between local schools, which will allow for more students to attend more sporting events.
Students will have the opportunity to play traditional sports such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc. but also learn new sports and activities such as handball, korfball and ultimate frisbee.
This new league will provide the opportunity to have more school teams play in more events. This league will run in addition to any intramurals that currently take place at schools, not replace it.
“As a former physical education teacher, coach, and huge supporter of student athletics, I am thrilled that we are in a position to make the significant financial commitment necessary for this enhanced and expanded sports league that will benefit all of our students,” says UCDSB Chair Jamie Schoular.
All-In Sports will be at no cost to families but is a financial investment for the UCDSB. This new league will follow best practices as developed by the Coaching Association of Canada and Ophea to ensure a safe, engaging but valuable sporting experience for young athletes.
A steering committee of community members, educators and coaches has been established with representation from across the district. A partnership with the Rick Hansen Foundation has also been formed. To date, 20 schools are part of the official pilot with more than 25 schools requesting to come on board.
“Our aim is to increase student participation in sports and activities. Our hope is that the pilot goes well and that we can expand it to all elementary and intermediate schools next school year. There are numerous physical and psychological benefits to being involved in sports, and we want to ensure that all students get the opportunity,” adds Schoular.