Dear Editor:
“So sweet from head to toe, that little boy of mine”. This is from a song an elderly lady sang to me, when I did home care. I recorded her singing it. This touched my soul so profoundly.
Early this morning I heard a young boy yelling “hold my hand”. Yes, it was only a dream, but it got me out of bed, and onto my computer.
I wanted to write about this for a while now. While waiting for my grand-son’s swimming lesson, I noticed a beautiful little boy trying to get his mother’s attention. She was too busy on her cell phone to connect with him. It was so sad, because I was thinking what if he died the next day. Would this mother miss the contact they could have had.
When I see parents and their small children walking down the street, and parents holding their phone instead of their children’s hand it really bothers me. Holding a child’s hand instills security. It shows that you are there to protect them and will make sure they are safe.
Is society creating robots without any worry of the emotional impact technology is having on children?
Lorraine Lapointe,
Cornwall, ON