CORNWALL, Ontario – Most charity events can point to a face, a victim, someone that needs help.
But what about the people we don’t see?
“We all know that domestic violence is a problem, but it isn’t something we often confront in our day-to-day lives,” said Cornwall musician Dylan Groulx. “I think it’s important to take a firm stand against it, and help support the positive action taken to stop the problem.”
Paths to Change, a multi-agency initiative working to reduce domestic violence in the City of Cornwall, is hosting a benefit concert and silent auction at Schnitzels European Flavours on Thursday (March 3).
“We are working with people who are likely to become domestic violence offenders to provide counselling and case management to help reduce the risk of domestic violence in our city,” said Sarah Good, administrative assistant. “Paths to Change is catered to fit the specific needs of each individual, and is free and completely voluntary for participants. This is part of the reason why we are looking for help fundraising, to keep this program free for clients.”
P.T.C. was initiated largely in response to a 2014 report from the Cornwall Community Police Service (CCPS), which highlighted the high rate of domestic violence in the community and urged for the implementation of an intervention program geared toward offenders.
“Only a few months old, our program currently has more than half of our expected client load for our first year of funding, and that number is exponentially increasing as referrals come in from other local agencies and partnerships,” said Good.
P.T.C. operates on a $97,739.30 ‘proceeds of crime’ grant, which concludes in June 2016, and has recently been approved for a yearly grant of $26,500 through the City of Cornwall.
Partners include the CCPS, Counselling Support Services of SD&G, Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area, Koala Place, and Children’s Aid Society of Cornwall/SD&G.
“We are hopeful that as our program continues to show its value to our community, that we will acquire sustainable funding, and that other communities will follow in our footsteps,” said Good.
Doors open at 7:00 p.m. in the Schnitzels banquet hall, and guest will be welcome to a spread of their famous-fired oven pizzas and munchies platters, as well as to peruse the selection of items in a silent auction.
The opening set will begin around 7:30 p.m., after organizers make a presentation about the P.T.C. program, and will be performed by Jesse Ferguson. At intermission guests will be served a lovely array of desserts and will be encouraged to spend some time mingling and bidding on items. Up next is the harmonious trio of Groulx, Pamela Cumming, and Nick Seguin.
The show will come to a close around 10 p.m.
Click here for the Facebook event page.
To contact Paths to Change, contact 613-662-7192, email, or check out