CORNWALL, Ontario – Camp Kagama has been around since 1936 and has a committed community that will work hard to ensure that the camp is around for the next generation (and the next…). The Kinsmen club of Cornwall has been involved since 1995.
This years presentation by the Kinsmen Club was a joint donation made by Kinsmen and a local philanthropist. Honorary Kinsman Sean Adams organized the donation from a local resident who wanted to help a great cause and Camp Kagama fitted that requirement. The total donation to Camp Kagama of
$25,000 was presented last week to David Wattie, President Camp Kagama.
Kagama has committed to using the funds for some capital buying and renovating as well as using some to subsidize local children’s campers in both the 2022 and 2023 camping season.
Also, Camp Kagama President David Wattie also mentioned it was the intention of Camp Kagama to
honor long time volunteer former Life Member Scott Wilson and the Cornwall Kinsmen Club for the ongoing work and support. Those who knew Scott know how important this camp was to him and with the support of Kinsmen since 1985, saying the recognition is well deserved.
The Kinsmen Club acknowledged that it is only able to do these types of donations thanks to the overwhelming support of the community and it’s loyal “YourTV” TV Bingo players….