CORNWALL, Ontario – This year, 2019, marks 15 years since the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation (CCHF) launched it’s fundraising campaign to build the new hospital. Over 10 years ago, the first facilities of the new hospital, the birthing suites, the Critical Care Unit and the Emergency room, opened. The fundraising continues however, as the CCHF strives to constantly bring better tools and services to the Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH).
Every year, the CCHF tries to raise $1.2 million for the hospital.
“Every year there is a laundry list of things to replace and we are always trying to help them out,” said Todd Rozon, Chair of the CCHF Board. “We’re not here to pay salaries. We’re here to replace equipment and we’re here to buy better services for the community.”
Through the work of the CCHF, the hospital added a chemo unit two years ago, and has also added an MRI machine and were instrumental in the funding of the new Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH).
“What we’re trying to do as an organization is make sure we have the people on the ground that we need and the equipment that they need,” said Amy Gillespie, Executive Director of CCHF.
With their annual Radiothon just around the corner on April 4, the CCHF is currently working to buy a new mammography machine for the hospital.
The CCH performs around 7,000 mammograms a year. A mammogram is one of the leading ways that breast cancer is detected. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, if breast cancer is detected early, by Stage 2 or less, the five year survival rate is 93 per cent and above.
The cost of a new mammography machine is $400,000.
“Goals like these cannot be reached in one shot,” said Gillespie. “We’re inviting the community to join us on our fundraising journey.”
Gillespie wanted to remind the public that there is the option to contribute to the CCHF automatically on the monthly basis at an amount that suits the donor’s budget.
Those interested in learning more about the CCHF or about donating to the cause, please see their website at