Update: This article has been updated to correct information about amnesty days and multi-residential units.
CORNWALL, Ontario – The City of Cornwall’s new waste management by-law is coming into effect on April 1. The by-law, amongst other things, introduces a six bag limit for a single family home.
Each week, a single family home will be permitted to put out six bags, or three containers, of garbage. Anything put out above that limit will have an “oops” sticker put on them and will not be collected. Any uncollected garbage must be removed from the curb by the end of the day.
The new by-law also prohibits bulk items from being put out on a regular basis. Mattresses, electronics, tires, scrap metal, sand, stone, asphalt and more all will no longer be collected on a regular basis.
The City does plan to have two amnesty days per year where additional bags beyond the six bag limit will be collected.
Multi-residential units will be permitted one 95 gallon cart (360L) of garbage per two residential units per week.
As of now, there is no mandatory recycling rule, but it is being encouraged.
The stated goal of this new by-law is to extend the life of Cornwall’s landfill past 2030.
For more information on the City’s new waste management by-law, please read more here.
For more information on what is recyclable and what is not, find that information here.