CORNWALL, Ontario – Council approved to fund a lighting replacement project for Pitt St. that was proposed by the Downtown Business Improvement Association (DBIA).
The total cost of the project is estimated at $163,600.
Cornwall City Council voted to pay for $49,600 of that from the City’s working reserves, which will be paid back in 2020. The City also approved to loan the DBIA $64,000, which will be paid back over three years. The balance of the price tag for the new lights will be paid by the DBIA directly.
The project will see 30 box-style street lights replaced with lantern style street lighting.
The only member of Council to vote against the project was Glenn Grant.
“I can’t support this . . . this is a nice to and not a need to,” he said. “I can’t support it because I don’t think the money is there.”
Mayor Bernadette Clement spoke in favour of the project.
“The Downtown is where we start to get specific about who we are,” she said.