RARE centre repurposed

By Kim Burton-Schram, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
RARE centre repurposed
Former recycling material sorting centre to be used by North Glengarry. (Photo : Kim Burton Schram)

North Glengarry Township is looking at refurbishing the former recyclable materials sorting centre in Alexandria into a multi-purpose space.

The heating system at the former R.A.R.E. (Recyclage Alexandria Recycling Équipe) building was already in need of repair before the township closed it late last year. It was decided the building could be renovated to provide a suitable dog kennel facility for the township, as well as storage and a base of operations for both the Public Works and Water Works departments.

Nine employees lost their jobs at the end of December when R.A.R.E. The decision came as a result of new provincial waste management policies that have seen most municipal recycling centres in the province close. According to the township`s 2025 draft budget the closure will save the municipality $43,250 this year.

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