CORNWALL, Ontario – Staff of the Sexual Assault Support Services for Women of SDG&A (SASS) celebrated a 25-year milestone during their annual general meeting on Thursday, Sept. 19 at OBO Studios.
Staff celebrated the monumental number of years offering counselling, education and more to the community among volunteers, board members and former clients.
According to Executive Director Angela Vinet, the agency is in good financial standing and the meeting was very positive.
During the meeting, four individuals were added to the SASS board of directors, including Tara Mcgillvaray, Tammy Wells, Tracey Pilon and Justin Towndale. The addition of Coun. Towndale marks the first male board member in quite some time, according to Vinet.
“SASS was sitting at four board members and now we have eight. That was exciting for us, when we welcomed them today,” said Vinet.
Over her seven years with the agency, Vinet has seen the implementation of positive programs that help to better serve and reach members of the community. Vinet is proud of the success had through their newest outreach program, support by the local United Way, which allows services to be offered to women within their homes across Cornwall, SDG and Akwesasne, as many clients may not be able to afford travel costs. Additionally, Vinet has seen an effort to foster a greater sense of community within SASS, hosting socials and healing art groups, alongside strong community partnerships.
“We celebrated 25 years, eight (board) members, and are just looking forward to a new year and being able to deliver great service to the community,” said Vinet.