A property tax rate hike of 3.81 per cent is proposed in North Glengarry’s 2025 draft budget, which also include a 2 per cent increase in water and sewage rates.
Overall spending will rise by $285,056, from the $6,851,142 budget figure of 2024 to $7,136,198 if council approves the draft presented by treasurer Zoe Bougie at a special meeting last week.
The final tax bill is yet to be determined. But “it is assumed that education rates will remain unchanged for 2025, causing no change to this portion of the tax rate,” Bougie notes. Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry counties’ tax rates for 2025 have not been set however, county council has approved a 6.87 per cent increase in the SDG budget which is estimated to result in a 5 per cent increase in tax rates.
The proposed capital budget for 2025 is $5,607,950 which is $2.1 million less than the 2024 sum because so many projects were accomplished last year.
Completed projects included the reopening of the pool at Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital, the purchase of generators for The Glengarry Sports Palace and the Apple Hill Recreation Centre which will serve as shelters in case of emergency, a new website, pathway improvements at Island Park, and Maxville and District Sports Complex improvements.
Included in the budget is a 1.8 per cent increase in overall salaries, which takes into consideration the collective agreements with three unions, as well as the minimum wage increase, added benefits and staffing levels.
Council members’ salaries will increase this year, from a total of $140,820 to $157,428, if the budget is adopted as presented. With expenses added on, the total council budget would rise from $214,663 to $228,828.