CORNWALL, Ontario – A whopping $100,000 has been provided to organizers of the upcoming 2015 International Plowing Match to help with marketing and advertising.
The local International Plowing Match Committee will receive $50,000 to purchase advertising and marketing opportunities to visitors from across Ontario, Quebec, and northern New York, and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SD&G) will receive $50,000 to showcase the region’s assets and local communities during the major tourism event.
The money comes from the Cornwall and the Counties Community Futures Development Corporation.
MP Guy Lauzon made the announcement this week in Finch.
“Having the unique opportunity to host an International Plowing Match & Rural Expo in SD&G is a huge event and a real chance to bring people to our community and showcase what we are all about,” he said. “I am proud to see the federal government and the local CFDC make sure that the resources are there to put the United Counties of SD&G and City of Cornwall on the map this fall.”
Event chair Jim Brownell was pleased that the IPM brand will be seen throughout the area.
“There has never been a bigger opportunity than this International Plowing Match & Rural Expo to have tens of thousands visitors come to SD&G, many of them for the first time,” he said. “These EODP funds will make sure we are able to promote the event across Ontario, Quebec, and even Northern New York in different forms to draw visitors to our region this September.”