A new Leadership Team for the Dundas Manor Residents’ Council has been elected. The Residents’ Council is involved in every aspect of the home, from planning menus to sitting on hiring committees for senior staff. All residents can participate.
“Our Leadership Team format ensures everyone has a say,” explains Administrator Susan Poirier. “We spread the responsibility of chairing meetings, sitting on committees, and working with our senior team on various projects. It’s exciting to have this important input.”
“We love having resident involvement and input,” adds Jennifer Hill, Activity Programs and Services Director. “We want to personally thank the residents who have served on this committee. Each of you brings warmth and enthusiasm to our meetings and discussions and it’s important to foster this valued relationship in our home.”
Dundas Manor was pleased to be recognized and featured in the Ontario Association of Residents’ Council magazine (OARC), profiling our recent Residents’ Council awareness fair. We value OARC as a partner that provides support and education to staff and residents. Currently one of our residents Joan sits on a working group with this provincial association.