Committee hears case for new fire station

Nick Seebruch
Committee hears case for new fire station

CORNWALL, Ontario – The budget committee heard the case for a variety of new capital projects from various departments within the City of Cornwall on Monday afternoon.

One such project was a proposed feasibility study from Fire Chief Pierre Voisine.

The objective of the proposed $50, 000 study would to find out the costs of moving the fire station on Fourth Street and its impacts on response times.

A major reason for moving the station is due to its location on Fourth Street.

“When I came to Cornwall, that was the first thing that I noticed,” said Voisine. “I think this is the only fire station in the country on a one way street and it affects our response time.”

Voisine also noted that a new fire station could allow them to accommodate more female firefighters.

“I welcome the day when we have a rush of women signing up to be firefighters, but right now that would be a real problem for us as we don’t have the changing rooms or bathroom facilities to accommodate them,” said Voisine. “These plans can be taken into consideration in the construction of a new fire hall.”

The new fire hall would be located somewhere in the North West of the City.

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