CORNWALL EXCHANGE: 85-member choir performs in Seaway City next month

CORNWALL EXCHANGE: 85-member choir performs in Seaway City next month

CORNWALL, Ontario – Our musical cousins across the pond are making a stop in Cornwall next month as part of a multi-city choir tour.

The Trelawny Male Choir, from Cornwall, England, will be in the Seaway City Sept. 17 at St. John’s Church to perform a variety of faith-based and secular music selections.

And it’s no small feat.

The choir consists of 85 members from 18 Cornish male choirs.

Gary Stokes, vice-president of the Centennial Choir here at home which is helping to sponsor the local performance, said the event will present an opportunity to take in a unique singing spectacle.

“It’s not often you get to hear 85 voices together,” he said. “With the Centennial Choir we can get to about 75.”

And there are some logistical issues to overcome as well. The risers that are used for local performances accommodate up to about 55 people – so Stokes and his group are coming up with ways to extend the structure for Trelawny.

Tickets ($15 for adults, $7 for children 12 and under) for the performance can be purchased at St. John’s Church, the lottery kiosk at the Cornwall Square, Home Hardware and from Centennial Choir members.

The show takes place at 7 p.m.

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