CORNWALL, Ontario – Forty-five well deserving local volunteers from Cornwall and SD&G were included in a ceremony recognizing volunteers from across the province on Tuesday, March 23.
Recipients were members of the following organizations: Carefor Health and Community Services, Centre culturel du conseil de vie française de Cornwall, Eastern Ontario Health Unit, Encore Education Centre, Girl Guides of Canada Ontario Council – Community 29D, J.W. MacIntosh Community Support Services, Kinette Club of Cornwall, Lost Villages Historical Society, Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving, Professional Engineers Ontario – Upper Canada Chapter, Stormont Agricultural Society.
“Volunteers are a vital part of communities across Ontario – they are an inspiration and example for us all and continue to make our province one of the greatest places to live,” said Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries. “It is important that we take time to celebrate their efforts. This has been a challenging year for our communities and our province – but I am so proud of our volunteers who continue to strengthen our local communities and demonstrate the very best of the Ontario spirit.”
Ontario Volunteer Service Awards have taken on a special meaning over the past year, with volunteers becoming crucial to supporting agencies and services during the course of the pandemic.
The awards recognize individuals for their continuous years of service with a particular non-profit organization.
“The incredible efforts of these individuals and organizations improve the lives of everyone in Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry,” said Jim McDonell, MPP for Stormont, Dundas, and South Glengarry. “On behalf of the residents of Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry, thank you.”