Frost emails colleagues to say he is on ‘vacation’, plans return to city hall next week

Frost emails colleagues to say he is on ‘vacation’, plans return to city hall next week

CORNWALL, Ontario – Cornwall city councillors are becoming increasingly frustrated with their colleague Brock Frost who has still not addressed an emailed decision to resign.

Frost has emailed his colleagues, apparently, suggesting he is on a much-needed vacation and won’t be attending Monday’s planning advisory committee meeting, said one councillor.

But Frost has indicated he will be in attendance at the June 22 council meeting, according to the same email.

But that missive has only served to heighten questions about Frost’s intentions, since he emailed Cornwall media weeks ago and said he would be resigning effective July 1 after reports that he has been charged with fraud and forgery in Quebec.

He is scheduled to appear in court June 19.

“I don’t really know what the hell is going on,” said Coun. Andre Rivette. “We’re getting the odd email from him. He’s said he’s going to (the Association of Municipalities of Ontario meeting) in August.”

The Frost sideshow is creating talk in the city and a distraction that many councillors agree they do not need.

“It is a distraction absolutely,” said Coun. Maurice Dupelle. “It creates people talking. And they’re talking about council as a whole.

“I think he’s got to make a decision. And I think that will create the answers for council and we’ll proceed in whichever way.”

Frost was once again sent emails from Seaway News, and voicemails have been left, but he has not responded to requests for comment.

Coun. David Murphy suggested enough is enough in that regard.

“Most politicians go out of their way to make it painstakingly clear as to what they are doing,” he said. “If I was in his shoes I would want the public to know what my full intentions were, regardless of what they are.

“I think there needs to be some clarification. It’s discussion I’ll have with him one on one. As councillors we always have to be respectful of each other and work as a unit.”

Coun. Carilyne Hebert agreed.

“It’s the first thing people ask me,” she said. “I’d just like some clarity.”

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