CORNWALL, Ontario – A city council candidate who has been MIA in recent weeks for a series of public events says he is suffering from exhaustion and other “health issues.”
Brock Frost skipped out on the most recent political gathering of council candidates Wednesday night. He was in attendance before candidates began to speak, but then went missing before his chance to take the microphone.
That’s in addition to missing out on a meet and greet at a seniors apartment complex on Tuesday and being removed from the Cornwall Public Library by ambulance weeks ago during a similar event.
“For seven weeks now, I have been suffering from short blackouts which my doctor describes as having (Transient Ischemic Attacks-like) symptoms,” he said. “(The attacks), commonly referred to as a minor stroke, are not hereditary and result in issues pertaining to individual lifestyles.
“My doctor believes it is my body’s way of shutting itself down due to stress and exhaustion.”
Frost has a real estate career in the city and owns the Cornwall River Kings, in addition to his political aspirations.
Frost did attend, and spoke at the first public event of the campaign for candidates – a meet and greet concerning arts and culture. At the same event he made a monetary donation to arts community organizing the event. He also attended a candidate mixer at Riverdale Terrace.
“I have lost 14 pounds in less than two months,” Frost continued. “I have no energy and severe headaches. I have quite frankly, worked myself into a complete physical and mental collapse.”
How does this affect the balance of the campaign, and his ability to govern if elected?
“I would gladly give up real estate and the River Kings if I had to in order to be an effective councillor,” he said. “It won’t come to that however. I simply need rest, food and to clear my head.”
In a statement he added: “It is time that I take my doctor’s advice seriously. They have been telling me to simply ‘let the votes land where they land’, ‘let the team (River Kings) work itself out’ and ‘let the tenants take care of themselves.’ I clearly have not followed his advice and am now suffering the consequences.
“I am sick and need to take care of myself if I am to continue to serve the community. With 18 days to go until the election, I must slow down the campaign and focus on myself.”
I have never been one to show weakness, let alone admit it, but there is little more I can do to hide the personal health issues I am obviously having. So here goes everything.
For seven weeks now, I have been suffering from short blackouts which my doctor describes as having TIA-like symptoms. Transient Ischemic Attacks, commonly referred to as a minor stroke, are not hereditary and result in issues pertaining to individual lifestyles. My doctor believes it is my body’s way of shutting itself down due to stress and exhaustion.
As I write this letter, I now know this to be true. I am exhausted. I am exhausted beyond anything I have ever imagined before. I am lucky if I get 3 hours a sleep each night and eat twice a day. I have lost 14 pounds in less than 2 months, have no energy and severe headaches. I have quite frankly, worked myself into a complete physical and mental collapse.
To date, I have probably suffered about a dozen individual blackouts. I always know they’re coming as the symptoms are always the same – dizziness, light-headed, sweaty, shortness of breath and increased blood pressure. They have happened in numerous locations including my home, my personal office, the River Kings office and obviously, two all-candidates debates. The exact trigger for each blackout is not certain however it usually arises from intense mental thought or “brain overload”.
For those who know me understand that I have a busy working life to say the least. I am a full-time Realtor, manage and own 17 rental properties, own and operate the Cornwall River Kings, serve on three Boards, founded and operate a charity, and campaign full time. I have burnt myself out, plain and simple.
It is important to understand that I take City Council very seriously and There is nothing I want more than to serve my city at the council table. I understand there will be some who try to spin this health issue into something bigger than it is, and let them. I cannot control what other people say or do. But I am taking the necessary steps to ensure that if I am elected, I will be ready to serve my community with as much work ethic as I have had with my entire life career. I have recently started selling my rental properties, substantially downsized my workload at Storm Realty and have hired two personal assistants.
It is time that I take my doctor’s advice seriously. They have been telling me to simply “let the votes land where they land”, “let the team (River Kings) work itself out” and “let the tenants take care of themselves”. I clearly have not followed his advice and am now suffering the consequences. I need to rest. I am sick and need to take care of myself if I am to continue to serve the community. With 18 days to go until the election, I must slow down the campaign and focus on myself. I sincerely hope that what I have done over the past 4 years have earned your respect, and vote.
In health and happiness,