Halloween Comicfest celebrates pop culture

Shawna O'Neill, TC Media
Halloween Comicfest celebrates pop culture
Carmen Estrada

CORNWALL, Ontario – Cosplayers, comic fans and Halloween fanatics attended Halloween Comicfest on Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Cornwall Civic Complex between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. 

“This is our second time hosting it as a public event in a venue, but it has been nine years running in the store (Fantasy Realm Comics & Cards),” explained Carol Sauve, Co-Founder of Cornwall & Area Pop Event (CAPE).

Carol expected to see about 1,000 attendees this year, similar to last year’s turnout. Admission to the event cost $2.

“It’s just nice to see people come out and have a place to go, especially for the Halloween aspect of it. It’s not just kids dressing up, there are a lot of adults too,” said Randy Sauve, owner of Fantasy Realm Comics & Cards and Co-Founder of CAPE.

Comics specifically produced for Halloween Comicfest were being given away during the event. Various vendors, artists, cosplayers, and Ottawa TARDIS attracted individuals to the event. Some costumes seen at the event include character from COCO, The Walking Dead, Frozen, The Little Mermaid, Scooby-Doo and Batman.

“It’s a nice variety of different items…a lot of geeky items, trendy, pop culture, everything,” said Carol.

The event’s special guest was Hannah Levien, an Australian actress who acts in The Magicians, Siren and previously, Supernatural. 

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