CORNWALL, Ontario – Glengarry fiddler Kelli Trottier and Stormont-born, Nashville entertainer Greg Hanna have been booked for the International Plowing Match and Rural Expo’s main stage.
“We wanted to showcase the region and knew we had the depth of talent to pull it off,” said Steve Stang, chair of the IPM entertainment committee.
Dozens of other local bands and entertainers have also been secured for multiple stages and entertainment venues to be held at the event in Finch from Sept. 22-26, which is expected to attract 70,000 to 100,000 visitors.
After sharing the rich, Celtic culture of Glengarry County with audiences around the world, Trottier will perform at the IPM on Friday, Sept. 25.
Her blend of French and Scottish fiddle, sweet vocals and fiery step dancing has established a large fan base that includes actor Sir Sean Connery.
The Glengarry-raised fiddler performed for his private 80th birthday party in the Bahamas and several times at the Dressed to Kilt fashion show and Scottish cultural event he hosted in New York City.
Nominated three times for Fiddle Player of the Year by the Canadian Country Music Association, Trottier has released nine independent recordings including a new CD titled “Taking Time.”
Adding to the excitement, country music entertainer and recording artist Greg Hanna is coming home for the IPM.
“I plowed many acres of land on the Hanna Farm back in my teens,” said Hanna, who was raised on a dairy farm near Finch. “And then plowed my way to the home of country music where I now work and live in Nashville, Tennessee.”
The self-described proud Stormont County boy, says it’s an honour to be booked to the main stage on Saturday, September 26. Calling it his stomping ground, Hanna is so enthusiastic about the IPM that he’s arriving a few days early so he can help out and be part of the event.
“There is no better feeling than coming home!” he said.
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Read our previous coverage ‘Avonmore students helping to put butts in the seats at IPM’ here.