CORNWALL, Ontario – LesLie O’Shaughnessy said Monday night he plans to follow through on his campaign promises.
O’Shaughnessy, who ran on a pledge to increase transparency and accountability at city hall, was elected mayor defeating incumbent Bob Kilger by nearly 900 votes with just one poll left to report in Monday night.
O’Shaughnessy defeated the two-time incumbent who had a difficult time overcoming accusations of bullying and mismanagement at city hall.
The mayor-elect said he wants the new city council that he will helm to be steeped in transparency.
“We’ve got to put some kind of policy in place regarding transparency and accountability,” he said. “It has to be done. No more surprises a year after something starts and the public finfsd out.
“The community has to be brought along step by step.”
O’Shaughnessy was able to capitalize on an anti-Kilger sentiment that was growing with each week of the 2014 municipal campaign.
“It’s a long campaign. But basically what I did was let the community talk among themselves,” he said. “The strongest government you can have comes from the community up and that’s what we have now.”
Kilger was disappointed with the result, and added he wouldn’t have changed anything about his campaign.
“We didn’t take anything for granted and we ran a positive campaign and respectful campaign,” he said. “I was true to myself. I did it the way I’ve always done it.”
He also conceded the issue of city council raises played a role in his defeat.
City council voted itself a raise that would have been measured at a 40 per cent hike by the time the looming term of council is completed.
“For some peope maybe that wasn’t acceptable and I respect that,” he said.
Not surprisingly long-shot Jamie Gilcig was way back, garnering around 700 votes.