Lorilea Erratt always has a smile on her face – but it seemed just a little bit bigger when she dropped off a cheque for $565 to the WDMH Foundation. Lorilea launched an online fundraiser to celebrate her birthday and help raise funds for the new Dundas Manor – and her friends and family jumped on board.
“We have to cherish this place,” says Lorilea who worked as a screener at the home during the pandemic. “The new home will make us stronger as a community. It will be precious.”
Lorilea encourages everyone to get involved: “I hope everyone can consider doing a similar fundraiser for the new Dundas Manor. If everyone gives a little in their own way, we’ll have a big amount at the end of the campaign. It’s easy to do and I’m happy to help anyone set up their fundraising page. I’ll even make a donation!”
“We love our community and the generosity of people like Lorilea,” sums up Campaign Assistant Cindy Ault Peters. “Thank you. We couldn’t do what we do without you!”
The new Dundas Manor will be more than double the size of the current home. Thirty additional residents will be welcomed. There will be four resident home areas called Homesteads. Each one will have a wonderful gathering space as well as beautiful outdoor gardens nearby. Hallway dining will be a thing of the past as there will be four large, bright dining rooms with enough space for everyone. Rooms in the new home will be larger – and everyone will have a window.
For more details about the Dundas Manor campaign, please visit www.dundasmanordream.ca or contact the WDMH Foundation team at 613-774-2422 ext. 6162 or 6169. To chat about fundraising events for Dundas Manor, please contact Cindy Ault Peters at 343-572-6345 or cpeters@wdmh.on.ca.