By Adam Brazeau
CORNWALL, Ontario – Many area residents were ferried across the mighty St. Lawrence River powered by outboard motors. And now the historic engines are on display.
A collection of 16 outboard motors have found a new home in the St. David’s Anglican Church – Drive Shed, at the Lost Villages Museum site in Long Sault located at 16361 Fran Lafamme Drive, off County Road 2.
“There is no provenance with these motors, but they are varied and could have been used on the St. Lawrence River previous to 1957 and the flooding of the Lost Villages area,” said Jim Brownell, president of the historical society.
He described the donations as artifacts of a bygone era that were essential for fishing on the St. Lawrence River and, for many, keeping food on the table.
Mariatown (West Morrisburg) resident Glen Cunningham, 90, donated over eight motors that he obtained from a collector.
“History is very important to me and it’s equally important to share,” said Cunningham.
The former South Dundas councillor’s son-in-law Gerben Schaillee and local resident Paul Gunther also added to the collection, which is on display year-round at the historical tourist site.
The motors were donated back in September 2011.
“We’re a volunteer organization and we just didn’t have the time to put this together until now,” said Brownell. “This floor didn’t go in until about a month ago.”
Some of the models include: 1912 Johnson (belonged to Owen Alguire), Johnson Seahorse (green) (owned by Arnold Dukelow from Iroquois Point), 1955 Evinrude (from Mr. Robinson in Prescott), and 1938 Neptune (model # 2A38, ser# E 2591).
Brownell noted that historical society is always looking for new blood.
For more information, call the museum at (613) 534-2197.