When the new Dundas Manor opens in a couple of years, staff and residents will be heading down the street – literally!
“We will be moving from 533 Clarence Street to 543 Clarence Street,” says Administrator Susan Poirier. “The new Dundas Manor will be located right beside the current building, and we can’t wait. It will be so exciting to see the shovels in the ground this fall to get things going.”
The two-storey home will be set back on the property, closer to Fred Street. The main entrance and parking for both visitors and staff will be accessed off Clarence Street. Visitors will use the main entrance, while staff will have a separate entrance. Deliveries will be at the side of the building that is away from the closest neighbours.
Significant planning has taken place to ensure the best site plan. A traffic assessment has been done to look at future pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle flow which is not expected to increase. Additional parking, including electrical vehicle charging stations, will be available for both visitors and staff to reduce the amount of street parking. And the new site will include more hedges and fences to ensure privacy and block any extra light for neighbours – plus create safe, accessible walkways for residents. More green spaces will provide a beautiful setting, including vegetable and herb gardens!
Recently, a meeting was held with our closest neighbours to talk about the plans and answer any questions they had. “We are good neighbours and we want to continue to be good neighbours,” adds Susan Poirier.
If you have questions about the new Dundas Manor building, please contact Philippe Marleau, Project Manager Redevelopment at phil.marleau@dundasmanor.ca or 613-774-2422 ext. 6341.
For more information on the fundraising campaign to build the new Dundas Manor, please visit www.dundasmanordream.ca. This website also includes additional photos of the new home.