CORNWALL, Ontario – BMXers in Cornwall and the surrounding counties now have a new track to practice and compete on.
After five years of work, the Cornwall BMX Club’s new BMX track opened in Guidnon Park on Monday, June 25, 2018.
“I’m super excited and am looking forward to seeing all the kids having fun on the track,” said Track Operator Dan Drouin.
On their opening day they had an Olympic Day ride, which was open to everyone of all skills levels. Drouin said that as BMX is an Olympic sport, he wanted to promote the philosophy of the Olympic Games on their opening day.
Drouin had hoped to have 30 to 40 kids come out to participate on the first day, but thanks to the wonderful weather and strong support he revised that number to about 50 or 60.
“There has been a lot of positive reaction,” Drouin said.
The track will host competitions every Monday night starting at 5:30 p.m. Kids will race according to their age and skill level. The track will also have practice nights on Wednesdays, also starting at around 5:30 p.m. Drouin said that besides those two nights, anyone is welcome to come and use the track as long as it is dry and the gate is open.
The track will be open all summer, and will stay open so long as the winter weather holds off.