CORNWALL, Ontario – Zombies will fill McMaze, north of Cornwall, later this summer – but fear not, it’s just for fun.
The second annual Zombie Run in support of the United Way of Stormont Dundas and Glengarry will be held Sept. 6 at McMaze, in St. Andrews West.
Sherry Davis, the new program and event co-ordinator for the local United Way, said the hope is to attract more competitors this year to an already-popular event.
“Last year we had 75 runners,” she said. “We’re hoping for 100 this year.”
The 5 km run/obstacle course will begin at 9 a.m. All participants are asked to raise a minimum of $50 in pledges to participate; a gift will be awarded to the individual who collects the most pledges.
The United Way is also recruiting Zombies for this fun run. For more information or to register please contact Sherry at 613-932-2051 or e-mail
The event will help raise funds for the 2014 United Way campaign, which will be officially kicked off days after the run with a breakfast.
The United Way of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry assists 16 agencies (19 programs) throughout the region.