CORNWALL, Ontario – The Seaway International Bridge has enacted restirctions on some vehicles crossing the bridge on the night of Friday, May 4 due to high winds.
“The Seaway International Bridge Corporation has put in place wind restrictions for the next couple of hours for large empty vehicles as per our list as well as pedestrians and motorcycles,” Jennifer MacIsaac, Community Relations Officer with the Seaway International Bridge Corporation said in a statement to the media. “This does not affect cars and fully loaded transports. The Bridge remains open during the wind restrictions. We will inform you once our restrictions are lifted.”
Restrictions apply to pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, all cube vans, all RVs, campers, buses, camping trailers, open trucks with loose materials and tractor trailers weighing less than 50,000 lbs.
Friday saw winds as high as 90 km/h across Southern Ontario.
“Wind gusts to 90 km/h are likely across much of the region after a cold front moves through from late afternoon to early evening,” reads a Wind Warning from Envrionment Canada. “Winds will diminish late this evening as a high pressure ridge moves in. Damage to buildings, such as to roof shingles and windows, may occur. Loose objects may be tossed by the wind and cause injury or damage. High winds may toss loose objects or cause tree branches to break.”