SOUTH GLENGARRY, Ontario – The Township of South Glengarry has made the decision to cancel all summer camps, sports leagues, programs and facility bookings due to the COVID-19 pandemic until September 1, 2020. The decision means the cancellation of all summer day camps, soccer programs, t-ball/softball, and volleyball leagues. To date, there were almost 1,000 registrants for spring/summer programs.
“Township staff relied on guidance from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU), which ensures municipalities are meeting, or exceeding, the orders issued by the Province of Ontario. The Township’s summer camp and programs, as originally planned, would not presently meet COVID-19 prevention and control measures for physical distancing requirements, participant ratios, and access to facilities,” explained Rick Ladouceur, Director of Recreation and Facilities with the Township of South Glengarry.
Township staff are saddened that programming will not proceed this summer; however, the safety and wellness of families is a top priority for everyone. With recreation activities being cancelled, the Township will begin issuing refunds for all those who registered and paid for the spring/summer offerings within the next three weeks. Participants who registered for a program using a credit card, will automatically receive a refund on the card. Cash or cheque registrants can expect to receive a cheque in the mail.
Residents are encouraged to take advantage of the trails, tennis courts, basketball courts, soccer fields, and ball diamonds but while practicing social distancing guidelines set out by the EOHU and the Province of Ontario. The following remain closed to the public: Paul Rozon Park splash pad, play structures, picnic areas and all indoor community centres and recreation facilities.
Now that summer camps and programs are officially cancelled, some residents may be looking to the fall and winter programs, however, it is too early to set expectations. “The environment and restrictions that COVID-19 is creating is constantly changing. It is difficult to predict what our fall and winter seasons will offer at this time. We will keep our users and constituents informed on our website and through social media, in the upcoming weeks ahead,” Ladouceur noted.
More information is available at