UPDATE: Driver in Wednesday’s collision succumbs to his injuries

UPDATE: Driver in Wednesday’s collision succumbs to his injuries
OPP Emblem.

SOUTH GLENGARRY, Ontario – The SD&G detachment of the OPP have identified the fatality in a collision that occurred on Wednesday, Nov. 30 as 20-year-old Kyle Quesnel of Cornwall.

UPDATE: The driver of the Eastbound 2010 Honda Civic Jeffery Dobson, 20, of South Stormont succumbed to his injuries and died in hospital on Thursday Dec. 1.

Quesnel was one of the passengers in a 2010 Honda Civic that was traveling eastbound on County Road 2 when, for reasons under investigation, the driver lost control and collided with a westbound 2015 Dodge van, driven by a 61-year-old female from South Glengarry Township.

The three occupants from the Honda were taken to hospital Quensel was pronounced deceased while the second passenger, a 19-year-old female from Cornwall, received life-threatening injuries. The driver and lone occupant of the van was also taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. A third vehicle (pick-up & trailer) was involved but made minor contact after the fact and no injuries resulted.

OPP Technical Traffic Collision Investigators (TTCI) are assisting SD&G OPP with the investigation. A section of County Road 2, between Gilmour Road and Purcell Road was closed to traffic and re-opened at approximately 11:00pm.

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