UPDATE: ‘Golf for Kids’ Sake’ swings into record fundraising year

By Adam Brazeau 
CORNWALL, Ontario – The 21st annual ‘Golf for Kids’ Sake’ tournament raised $28,274.50 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall & District.

Over 140 golfers enjoyed an 18-hole round at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club on Wednesday (July 15) in support of the non-profit’s six free mentoring programs, which serves about 400 local kids and teens.

The event proved to be a fundraising hole-in-one, collecting the highest amount of pledges to date, thanks in part to the efforts of 36 volunteers.

In 2014, Golf for Kids’ Sake raised $25,186.

When we exceed our expectations on an event like this, it really gives me hope we can serve all the kids that need our programs,” said Brisson. “There are 64 boys and 45 girls waiting for their mentor. “

For the fourth consecutive year, Dairy Queen Cornwall stepped up as title sponsor. TC Media – Cornwall Seaway News was also a proud supporter of Golf for Kids’ Sake.

“I am so gratefull to all the sponsors that believe in what we do,” she said.

For information on how you can get involved with BBBS, visit www.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.

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