Dundas Manor is growing – into a bigger long-term care home with two floors and 30 additional residents. Recently, there was a ‘growing’ event in our community to support it!
Thank you to Jane Sachs who donated the proceeds from her annual plant sale to the new Dundas Manor. Jane’s famous plant sales started 15 years ago when she had to cut back on her perennials. A plant stand at the end of her driveway on Highway 31 includes plants donated from all over, including Stone Crop Acres Winery & Vineyard this year.
“It would been a shame to throw them all out,” Jane explains. “This way, I’m spreading beauty and pleasure to others, as well as giving my plants a new home.” The results are growing too! “This year, we raised $945 for Dundas Manor and I supplied the rest for an even $1,000,” Jane adds.
“Summer is a wonderful time of year in our region and flowers add to the beauty,” sums up Campaign Assistant Cindy Ault Peters. “Thank you, Jane!”
For more details about the Dundas Manor campaign, please visitwww.dundasmanordream.ca or contact the WDMH Foundation team at 613-774-2422 ext. 6162 or 6169. To chat about fundraising events for Dundas Manor, please contact Cindy Ault Peters at 343-572-6345 or cpeters@wdmh.on.ca. To chat about fundraising events for Winchester District Memorial Hospital, please contact Justine Plummer at 613-774-2422 ext. 6172 or jplummer@wdmh.on.ca.